Saturday, March 9, 2013

and on the 7th day, He said "Let there be Sugarpill"

So I ordered a buttload of Sugarpill eye shadow this week because well.  Why the hell not?  I have a problem and it may involve bright colors.  It came today!

Oooooh.  I got Chroma Lust loose shadows in: Lumi, Tiara, Magpie, Junebug, Royal Sugar, Decora, Magentrix, Birthday Girl, Paperdoll, Tipsy, Darling, and Starling and got pressed shadows in Velocity, Bullet Proof, Poison Plum and Acidberry.

I  have swatches!  All swatches were done on bare skin with no base.

Bulletproof is in the very back, Poison Plum is in the very front, mid-right is Velocity, and mid-left is Acidberry.

Aside from the fact you can totally see my watch was pushed way too far up on my arm for way too long, from left to right: Acidberry, Poison Plum, Velocity, and Bulletproof.  The first of each pair is wet and the second dry.  They are all matte and look amazing wet.  I am ambivalent on how they look dry on most of them, except I did not like Acidberry dry at all.

Royal Sugar (blue) and Lumi (white)

I did Royal Sugar (left to right) wet, dry, and wet with Lumi on top of it.  On the bottom, left to right, is Lumi wet and dry.  You can barely see the dry swatch, so don't go blind trying to see it.  It isn't the light either, it is very hard to see dry.  I really like the layering effect of Lumi, how it adds almost a frost to the Royal Sugar.

Right to left: Tiara, Magpie, & Junebug.

Right to left: Tiara, Magpie, and Junebug, the bottom row being done wet and the top dry.  The wet and dry of Magpie are similar but there is still more intense color in all three with it applied wet.  And even with the shadow (ugh, I tried so hard to get rid of that), the colors in this picture are pretty true-to-life.

SO. MUCH. PINK.  Left to right: Magentrix, Decora, and Birthday Girl.

Left to right, with the bottom layer applied wet and the top dry: Birthday Girl, Decora, and Magentrix.  To be brutally honest, when applied dry, all three looked pretty similar to the point I would have trouble picking them out of a line up.  When done wet, Birthday Girl is a pretty pale pink that is still bright enough for my love of ALL THINGS BRIGHT.  Decora is a coral pink and Magentrix a fuschia in the pot, but they looked rather similar wet except there was way more shimmer and glitz with Decora.

Left to right: Starling & Darling

Hey look, you can see a scar from a cigarette burn on my hand.  That's hot.  From left to right, bottom row applied wet and top dry: Starling, then Darling.  Starling is a teal color in the pot, but when applied it seemed more a very blue teal.  Darling is turoquoise in the pot, and wet is a teal like I expected to see with Starling, but when done dry, it is a very green turquoise, to the point I was like, uh, did I have green on my brush? (I did not.)

Left to right: Tipsy & Paperdoll
This looks similar to the picture of the pots I took when I got Absinthe and Weekender but IT'S NOT.  In the pot, Paperdoll is much lighter than Weekender and Tipsy is a lot less yellow than Absinthe.

There is that cigarette burn again.  Pesky little shit.  Paperdoll is a nice lavender that is very faded from what I would expect seeing it in the pot when applied dry, but gives a nice pop of light purple when applied wet.  Tipsy is a grassy green applied both wet and dry, just more bold when done wet.  When compared to Absinthe, Absinthe is more yellow and more of a lime color to me, where this seems more like a true green and did remind me of freshly-mowed grass.

Out of the pressed shadows, I would wear them wet or dry, except for Acidberry, which I would only wear wet because the color was not one that would look good on me at all when applied dry.  For the loose shadows, I would probably stick to wet application for all of them, or if applied dry, it would be for blending purposes over a wet application.  I am not disappointed in any of the shadows though, but let's be real.  Sugarpill never disappoints me.

I also have EYE GLITTERS!!! on the way from Lit Cosmetics and I am so excited to the point a coworker told me that I need makeup rehab.  I can't shut up about EYE GLITTERS!!! Can't wait can't wait can't wait.

Stay beautiful, party people.


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